
Life can be a rollercoaster.

Jen Alley. Wife. Mom. Therapist. Coach.

I want to help you feel less alone and provide you with tools to navigate the ups and downs of life. I think it is so crazy that we are taught things like trigonometry in school, but we aren’t taught how to deal with our emotional worlds. (Not hating on math, but research shows that we are experiencing at least one emotion 90% of the time)! We are in relationship with others and want them to be fulfilling and meaningful, and we need to know how to navigate conflict or challenges that arise. We experience trauma, grief, and hard life situations, and at one point or another will likely experience at least some symptoms of anxiety or depression if not a full-blown mental illness. But, we aren’t given instruction or a roadmap of what to do when these things happen!

It is my passion and mission to make therapeutic concepts and neuroscience more accessible and mainstream. I love studying, learning, and attending trainings, and I want to teach you what I have learned in my 14+ years of being a Licensed Professional Counselor, a survivor of the Columbine High School shooting, a wife, a mom (hardest job to date), and a person, who, like you, who is wanting to live with more intention, presence, and tools to navigate this life we have been given.

I’m so glad you are here!

Mission & Vision

I’m excited to serve you and be in community with you.

One of my takeaways as a mental health therapist is that most people feel alone in their struggles. In our Insta-perfect culture, it is easy to think that everyone else has it all together. 

I can tell you from working with clients the past 14+ years, no one feels like they have it all together. We all experience struggle, insecurity, shame, and heartache. Most of us have parts of our story that we’d just as soon forget.

My Vision

To help people feel less alone and more resourced as they navigate the ups and downs of life.

My Mission

To provide evidence-based resources and tools while creating a community of people committed to improving their mental health and relationships.

Join the Community

Follow my podcast, The Mental Health Coach, on Spotify or Apple podcasts. Let’s be friends on Instagram @jen.alley.therapist or on Facebook @Jen Alley, Therapist. You can also join the private group, The Mental Health Coach Community on Facebook for free resources and support.

Jen Alley

More About Jen.

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, a wife and mom, and a collector of research, ideas, and stories. I love to learn and grow through an endless stream of trainings, podcasts, classes, groups, and books. It is my hope to create an online community to share free and affordable resources in the form of podcasts, blogs, research, insights, practices and tools to help you in your relationships, your goals, and your life.

I am married to David, a creative genius who makes us feel loved and adored while he documents our lives through beautiful videos. I’m the mommy to a wise, beautiful, responsible and sassy almost eleven-year-old and the most adorable, loving, ornery and funny eight-year-old. We are a neurospicey family, and there is never a dull moment! My kids are my greatest teachers in that they show me the places that I need patience, work, and healing.

I love my private practice in Austin, Texas, where I work with adult individuals and couples to help them to find hope, help, and healing as we work through their traumas and presenting concerns. I’m also passionate about working with professionals in the counseling field in multiple capacities including therapeutically, consultation, or group consultation.

I’m excited to make therapeutic concepts, neurobiology, and psychoeducation more accessible and to help people feel less alone in their challenges and struggles. I sure don’t have it all figured out, but I do know that doing life in community and sharing our experiences helps undo the aloneness we can often feel. Thanks for being here! I’m excited to be in community and relationship with you.

My Favorite Things