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Therapist. Coach. Wife. Mom. Podcaster.

I’m Jen, and I’m here to help you feel less overwhelmed, more present, and more connected to yourself and your people!


I'm So Glad You're Here

Are you ready to feel less stressed and more present and joyful in this season of life? Are you feeling alone and needing tools to navigate the challenges you are facing?  

I am so glad you are here. I am passionate about normalizing the human experience and making neuroscience accessible to help people like you improve your mental health and relationships. 

This site is a place to find free resources, inspiration, life hacks, tools, hope, and even community. If you are ready to invest in your goals, healing, and mental and relational well-being, you can work with me individually, or you can join the mental health coaching course and community.  

Just like you, I’m trying to figure it all out as I navigate this one messy and beautiful life I have been given. If I have learned anything, it is that doing life with others is so incredibly important. Knowing we are not alone (and are normal) is a critical piece of feeling that we belong. You belong here! Welcome!

Ready to improve your life & relationships?

Choose your journey below!

Individual & Couples Therapy

Individual & Couples Therapy

Are you feeling stuck, hurt, or frustrated in your life or relationships? Are you wanting to work through trauma that is impacting you negatively? I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and offer individual and couples therapy for a variety of presenting issues and concerns. Therapy will be tailored to your specific needs. My office is in South Austin, and I offer virtual and/or in-person sessions for Texas residents.

The Mental Health Coach Program and Community

The Mental Health Coach Program and Community

Are you a parent feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious in this season of life? Do you want to feel more joyful and present with yourself and your people? If you are tired of feeling alone as you navigate life's challenges and want community, support, accountability, and a plan to improve your mental, relational, emotional, and spiritual health, this six-week program is designed for you!

Individual Coaching

Individual Coaching

Are you needing support in working toward one or more of your goals? Your goal might be anything from wanting to yell at your kids less often to finally writing the book you have always wanted to write. Coaching offers an opportunity to identify what might be blocking you or keeping you stuck, to learn new skills, incorporate trauma recovery work if needed, and learn practices that will create new, healthy patterns as you work toward your goal.

Mental Health Coaching

Like A fitness Coach, But for your mental health!

Do you want to feel more joyful in this season of life and more connected to yourself and others? Are you overwhelmed with managing the many tasks and responsibilities of being a parent, working, and taking care of your home? Does your focus and attention center on your to do lists and the needs of your people, leaving you exhausted and scrolling at the end of each day? 

If so, I can relate! Parenting and adulting is a LOT! If you need a community, support, accountability, and a plan to get your mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational self back into shape, this six-week program (designed with neuroscience and evidence-based practices in mind) is just for you!